Most Michigan parents want what is best for their children. When navigating divorce proceedings, however, different interpretations of this may lead to disagreements between spouses. If there is a particular child custody issue causing you concern, you may want to reach out for support in the hope of avoiding drawn-out courtroom battles.
As a parent, you likely face various challenges as you do your best to help your children reach their full potentials in life. Whether you are the custodial or non-custodial parent, your rights are not negated simply because you have chosen to end your marriage. Although some of form of cooperation and compromise is often needed to obtain agreeable solutions to custody problems, you don’t have to forsake your parental rights in the meantime.
The Law Firm of Hauer & Snover is prepared to act on your behalf to address any issue related to physical and/or legal custody of your children. If you are seeking modification of an existing court order, or facing challenges because the other parent refuses to adhere to a court-sanctioned arrangement, our dedicated team of attorneys is committed to protecting your rights while keeping your children’s best interests at heart. Many situations can be resolved without going back to court, yet we are able and ready to aggressively litigate any issue as needed.
The court has the final say when it comes to child custody matters. By contacting our Michigan office, you may request a meeting to discuss a particular issue. As your personal advocates, we can make sure your opinions are taken into consideration alongside all applicable laws and guidelines when formulating a new parenting plan or addressing a problem associated with an existing court order.