“Until death do us part” is still uttered as a vows-ending mantra in legions of Michigan marriages and other betrothals across the country. But it doesn’t command quite the clout and “never deviate from this directive” force it once had, does it? Readers need do...

Month: October 2020
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Key points concerning Michigan spousal support (alimony)
It is of course not uniformly the case that divorcing Michigan spouses exit their marriages on a financially equal footing. Notwithstanding that state law mandates a fair division of assets between splitting partners, one divorcing spouse sometimes has a financial...
Marital contracts assuming prominence for career women
A longstanding perception surrounding prenuptial agreements is that their negotiation and execution is commonly driven by well-heeled males whose less affluent prospective wives are now marrying into money. Indeed, that scenario does spell a common reality in the...