Summer is a time to relax and catch up on family time. Unfortunately, for couples that find themselves struggling with their marriage, it can also be a time that highlights and even exacerbates marital discord.
Those who find themselves frustrated that summer months bring marital frustration are not alone. A recent study by the American Sociological Association found divorce rates spike at two times throughout the year: the end of summer and with the new year.
Experts weigh in on why divorce rates spike at certain times of year
These two parts of the year have one thing in common: they are both predeceased by periods of time that generally include increased time with family. Most workplaces have more lenient work hours and employees are more likely to take time off during the summertime or end of the year. Families tend to make a point of spending time together during these parts of the year.
After spending this time together, as noted above couples may find questions about divorce solidified. They may realize the issues they are trying to navigate are insurmountable. This may result in the decision to move forward with a divorce.
Move forward with a divorce wisely
Once a couple decides to divorce, it is important to move forward wisely. Gather paperwork to determine what assets and debts are present. If possible, work with your spouse to develop a plan to address how you will handle child custody, support and property division.
Even in the most amicable of divorces, it is generally wise to seek legal counsel to better ensure your interests are protected during the divorce.