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What is a parallel parenting plan?

On Behalf of | Jun 28, 2022 | Blog, Family Law |

An issue that may trip your divorce up is the parenting plan. If you and your ex do not agree on many of the standard co-parenting provisions, you may believe that your case may fall to the judge to decide.

While the court may favor co-parenting, it is not always the right fit. Parallel parenting may work out more in your circumstance. Learn more about what this means so you may decide whether to present this as an option.

What does co-parenting mean?

Co-parenting does not always work out as intended. It means that you and your ex will continue to work together to make decisions collaboratively and support your children more often, presenting a united front. But what if your relationship is complicated and the divorce divisive?

How does a parallel parenting plan work?

Parallel parenting is an alternative that sets out specific standards or guidelines in the parenting plan but allows you to parent independently when the children come under your care. In parallel parenting plans, your schedule may correspond with school times to minimize contact with your ex. You may also not necessarily attend the same functions or extracurricular activities. You do not need to make decisions with each other but rather make them according to the agreement you established in the plan.

What does it mean for the children?

A parallel plan works better for families with a high level of stress and an inclination for arguing. Cutting out the contact between parents may benefit children in this situation because it decreases the opportunities for conflict. If any need for deviation from the plan arises, a parallel plan typically has a designated third party who intercedes.

Your post-divorce parenting may not always look as it does in the immediate aftermath. Keep this in mind when moving forward and deciding whether parallel may work.