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Handling custody arrangements involving international travel

On Behalf of | Dec 20, 2024 | Child Custody |

Traveling internationally with a child can quickly complicate custody disputes. Concerns arise regarding safety, legal permissions, and shared parenting time. 

Instead of presuming that traveling overseas will be acceptable, a parent does well to review applicable guidelines and considerations to protect both parental rights and the child’s well-being. 

Understand the legal requirements for travel

International travel with a child often requires specific legal documents. A parent may need written permission from the other parent or a court order to travel abroad. This is especially true if both parents have shared custody. Michigan courts usually expect parents to respect the terms of their custody agreement, which may limit travel without proper consent.

Also, a child typically needs a passport. This document requires both parents’ consent in most cases. If one parent refuses to provide consent, the other may need to file for a special court order. Additionally, traveling parents protect themselves by keeping all paperwork, including custody agreements, passports, and travel consent forms, in an accessible place when traveling.

Communicate and plan ahead

Open communication with the co-parent can reduce conflicts. Sharing travel plans as early as possible can minimize objections. The parent bringing the child overseas should include dates, locations, contact information, and other pertinent details. This transparency shows respect for the custody agreement and helps build trust.

Parents should also discuss how to handle parenting time during and after the trip. If one parent misses time with the child because of the trip, a fair compromise is usually to offer makeup time. The willingness to make such an accommodation can prevent disagreements and create a cooperative environment.

As with any other custody arrangement, it is wise to consider potential emergencies. The other parent should usually have contact details for the trip, including hotel information and a way to reach the co-parent in case of an urgent issue.

International travel can enrich a child’s life, but it does not have to create unnecessary conflict for co-parents. Following legal rules and maintaining clear communication helps avoid problems. Then, parents can provide a smooth and positive experience for their children.